Test Guide
What is the best way to show all the features of your products?
Give them to someone curious to test them, and then to tell about them.
We rise curiosity to print equipment and we love to do tests that we can write about. So far we tested 6 digital machines and several softwares.
We tested them on how to behave before and during printing, dug into the most minor details and do not spare anything of what appeared at the end.
If you are afraid to show all sides of your product - strengths and weaknesses, this tests are not for you.
But if you have great equipment, and you believe that your customers will take more informed decision when they know everything about what you are selling, then we are your people. Even if you have a perfect showroom where you meet your customers, first give them all the practical information made by independent experts.
Test of the machine bizhub Konica Minolta PRO C6500
The service that we offer is not cheap, but you can use it as a reference when selling your equipment.